Otinova® ear spray – treats ear canal inflammation (otitis externa)

Otinova ear spray is a self-care medical device that has documented effect, is simple to use and easy to carry with you.

What does Otinova® contain?

Otinova contains aluminium acetate, aluminium acetotartrate, acetic acid and water. It has pH 3-4. (Burow’s solution)

Volume 15 ml = 150 doses of spray.

Shelf-life: 6 months after opening. Unopened bottle 3 years from manufacturing date. Store in room temperature.

How does Otinova® work?

Otinova acts locally and has an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect. Otinova is astringent and relieves itching. The antimicrobial and the clinical effects are scientifically and clinically documented (ref. 1-5).

What does it mean that Otinova® can be purchased without prescription?

You do not have to see a doctor to get a medical prescription. Otinova ear spray is an easy- to -use medical device product that is registered for the treatment of otitis externa/ ear canal inflammation. Otinova is a unique self-care product and can be purchased at your local pharmacy or online.

To be aware of with Otinova® ear spray - instructions for use

Place the tip of the nozzle into your ear canal and press the pump down 1–2 times. Most people feel the relieving effect after 1-3 days. Consult your doctor if there is little or no improvement in your symptoms after this time.

Do not use Otinova for a continuous period of more than 7 days. Children under 5 years of age should not use Otinova without a doctor’s recommendation.

The product should not be used if the eardrum is perforated or if it has been fitted with a drainage tube.

Possible side effects
This product may cause a slight temporary irritation or a burning sensation in the ear canal.  Salt precipitation in, and dehydration of, the ear canal may occur with overdosing and/or long term use.

Read the Package Insert Leaflet for more information.


Dosage instructions

Spray 1–2 times in the ear canal, morning and evening. Tilt the head for a minute or two after spraying so that the fluid flows down into the ear canal. Wipe away any excess fluid. Do not use Otinova for a continuous period of more than 7 days. Click here for Package Insert Leaflet.

Instructional video

If you need any help concerning the use Otinova, please watch our instructional video. It comes subtitled in 7 different languages.

You can access the instructional video here.


  • instruction-icon-1 Easy to use The spray function and conical nozzle head make Otinova easy to apply. Spray 1–2 times in the ear canal, morning and evening. Tilt the head after spraying which makes the fluid flows down into the ear canal.
  • instruction-icon-2 Scientifically and clinically documented effect The antimicrobial and clinical effects of Otinova are scientifically and clinically documented (ref 1-5). Otinova is locally astringent, relieves itching and has an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect.
  • instruction-icon-3 Free of antibiotics and steroidsOtinova is free of antibiotics and does not contribute to antibiotic resistance. Otinova ear spray is a unique self-care medical device for treatment of external otitis. It is also free of steroids.

Otinova® can be purchased at pharmacies, specialist resellers and online (varies between countries).